— What is my IP address?
The best tool to find your own IP address, and information about it.
What do we know about this IP address?
IP address | |
IP address (decimal) | 308349356 |
User agent | CCBot/2.0 |
User agent: Comment | ( |
User agent: Raw | CCBot/2.0 ( |
How do I get this programmatically?
With the widget below you can build your query, and see what the result will look like.
How do I force IPv4 or IPv6 lookup?
As of 2018-07-25 it's no longer possible to force protocol using
v4 and v6 subdomains. IPv4 or IPv6 still can be
forced by passing the appropiate flag to your client, e.g
curl -4
or curl -6
Can I force getting JSON?
Setting the Accept: application/json
header works
as expected.
Is automated use of this service permitted?
Yes, as long as the rate limit is respected. The rate limit is in place to ensure a fair service for all.
Please limit automated requests to 1 request per minute. No guarantee is made for requests that exceed this limit. They may be rate-limited, with a 429 status code, or dropped entirely.
Can I run my own service?
Yes, the source code and documentation is available on GitHub.